Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist as seen on TV
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Cosmetic Dentistry

comsetic dentistrySmile Makeover
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Treatments


comsetic dentistryTraditional Braces
Clear Aligners
Porcelain Braces

Dental Implants

comsetic dentistryBridges
Dental Implant

Teeth Whitening

comsetic dentistryTeeth Whitening
Whitening Kits
Zoom Teeth Whitening


Effects of Energy Drinks on the Health of Your Teeth

Effects of Energy Drinks on the Health of Your TeethEnergy drinks are becoming increasingly popular with teens and adults alike. Although these drinks can give you a generous boost of energy along with vitamins and minerals, they are not good for your dental health. Our Beverly Hills root canal treatment expert explains.

Those who regularly consume energy drinks may be at an increased risk of dental problems even when they brush after meals, floss daily and visit us for regular cleanings and checkups. Energy drinks are a virtual cocktail of enamel-dissolving ingredients, including acid and sugar. The brilliantly colored artificial dyes can seep into your teeth and leave them discolored and dingy-looking.

If you are not yet ready to kick the energy-drink habit, you can begin to minimize the damage by taking a few simple precautions.

1. Limit energy drinks.
Paying attention to serving sizes listed on the size of the bottle can help you maintain better dental health and keep your waistline trimmer.

2. Use a straw.
A straw can help reduce contact between the drink and your teeth.

3. Rinse after enjoying.
Swish your mouth with water to reduce the amount of acid, sugar and bacteria in your mouth.

4. Don’t brush right away.
Brushing immediately after an energy drink may seem like a great way to reduce the damage, but research reveals that brushing acid-softened teeth can result in scratched enamel. Wait 30 minutes before brushing.

Contact our dental office today to schedule a checkup with our cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills or to learn about your teeth whitening options.

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